A significant portion of the summertime energy bill comes from cooling costs. With temperatures on the rise across the country, don’t let your energy bills become one more thing to worry about. Chill out with these frosty energy-saving tips.
Give the HVAC some TLC
HVAC air filters keep nasty particles at bay, but a clogged filter can severely limit airflow throughout the house and put a damper on the system’s energy efficiency. Springtime is the perfect time to schedule HVAC maintenance and clean or replace dirty filters. Additionally, regular, professional HVAC upkeep helps to prevent colossal repair costs.
Don’t forget the ducts
If the HVAC system uses ducts to spread the cooled air throughout the house, contact a duct technician to troubleshoot any duct problems and perform any repairs. A leaky duct quickly loses much of its efficiency, which manifests as increased HVAC stress and energy bills.
Programmable thermostats
While we all like to enter a cool house when returning from a hard day at work, running the AC unit for the entire time you’re away is a significant drain on resources. A programmable thermostat can turn the air up a few degrees when no one’s at home to ensure optimal electricity use. Contact your local electrician to find out more.
Position is key
Place the thermostat away from heat-generating appliances. Otherwise, it will detect a higher temperature than the room average and turn the AC on unnecessarily.
Go for old-school tech
While ceiling fans technically don’t reduce indoor temperatures, they will move the cool air throughout the room. The cost of running a fan is significantly lower than the AC cranked up, so this simple device still has value. You can turn the thermostat up by four degrees with the fan on and not tell the difference, except by how much money is saved. Turn the fan off when everyone is away to save even more energy. Don’t forget that in some areas, adding a ceiling fan to a room that never had one requires a building permit. You may want to contact an electrician for information.
Time chores properly
When the dishwasher or the laundry machines run, they produce heat which the AC needs to compensate for by running even more. Consider planning these chores around nighttime or the morning when it’s cooler and the electricity costs are lower. Double down on savings by running the machines only with full loads. Additionally, utilize the summer heat for drying clothes on the line.
Colder showers are better anyway
With summer around the corner, consider switching to shorter and colder showers. They can cool people down quickly, which lowers cooling needs. Plus, the water heater won’t need to run as much, reducing water heating costs significantly.
Pick the correct model
If the current HVAC system is getting old and the energy bill is rising no matter what you do, consider replacing the system with a new model. Modern appliances are more energy-efficient, come with more functions, and don’t require as much maintenance. All of these features save money in the long run.
Brighten up the day with LEDs
LED or CFL lights don’t give off as much heat as traditional iridescent bulbs and use a fraction of the energy. When trying to reduce energy costs, every minor change matters and lights are an extremely budget-friendly option to start.
BBQs are so hot right now
Running the oven or a stovetop means a sudden jump in indoor temperature. Consider preparing the food outdoors if possible or making dishes that don’t require long prep times and high heat.
Kennedy Electric is a reliable full-service electrical company serving residential and commercial customers in Citrus, Hernando, and Pasco Counties. We offer electrical remodeling, electrical repair, circuit breakers, electric panel installations, electric panel repair, electric panel upgrades, new construction electrical, and residential wiring services. Call today at (352)799-3434.